Arts Education Workshop with Artist Frank Kelley, Jr.

"After attending a workshop featuring artist, Frank Kelley Jr, Kyla and I came home and painted. The guitar is the painting I completed in the workshop. I title it: Isaiah 38:20." - Wokshop Attendee
"I saw the silhouette image on Youtube and was inspired to paint it when I got home after attending the workshop. It is titled: I John 1:7." - Workshop Attendee
Other paintings in this group were completed by Mr. Kelley during the workshop.
The Educational Arts Initiative Program, a 501(c )3 nonprofit organization, was founded in 2001 to give youth the opportunity to gain self-esteem and life skills through art. This program is fully funded by individual and community donations. Partnering with the program is the best way to keep the arts alive in your community.
The Educational Arts Initiative Program, Inc. incorporates math, art terms, art history, verbal communication, writing, public speaking and understanding the power of visualization.
A 2017 report by the Arts Education Partnership revealed that schoolchildren exposed to the arts are often more proficient at reading, writing, and math.
'Most public schools have removed art from the education requirement. Studies around the country have indicated the importance of art in helping children in overall learning. I have developed this program to assist teachers and parents in helping their children broaden their learning experience and improve their lives educationally, personally and more," says Kelley.
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