Mayor Garcetti & Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas Address the Homeless Crisis in Los Angeles

Mayor Garcetti and Supervisor Mark Ridley -Thomas continue to be elected officials who are addressing the homeless crisis in Los Angeles with religious and community leaders.
This morning Sanctuary of Hope participated in a press conference for the upcoming 2018 Homeless Count. They also shined a light on youth homelessness for Homeless Youth Awareness Month by visually illustrating numbers from the count. In LA County, 6,000 youth experience homelessness on any given night, a 64% increase from last year.
Sanctuary of Hope eliminates intergenerational poverty by promoting the value of higher education and housing stabilization. They serve vulnerable Transition Age Youth (TAY), ages 16-25, who have diverse histories of foster care, homelessness, and being at-risk. They provide life coaching, mentoring, independent living, college access and retention, emergency services, and financial assistance with the sole purpose of helping our youth and young adults to become self-sufficient.
Sanctuary of Hope is one of the organizations taking the lead in working with local officials and leaders in addressing youth homelessness. SOH was established 2010 by a group of South Los Angeles professionals who were frustrated by the lack and unmet need of youth homelessness in the south area of Los Angeles, California. With very few or no alternatives for emergency and transitional housing and education services to intervene in their time of crisis, many of these youth were succumbing to street life – homelessness, gangs, unplanned pregnancies, substance abuse, and sexual exploitation.
Since their inception, they have helped over 900 youth and young adults with housing, education, basic needs, and leadership development services. Learn more about SOH at
Learn more about the homeless count at PHOTOS: Najee Ali