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Vote November 7 Satra Zurita CUSD

Vote November 7

Satra Zurita CUSD 🇱🇷 Learn more at

SATRA D. ZURITA was overwhelming elected to a second term on the Compton Unified School District Governing Board of Trustees on November 10, 2009. She has served as President, and currently holds the position of Clerk of the Board, being unanimously elected by her peers.

Zurita is a native of Compton. She was born, reared and educated in Compton schools. SHE IS A PRODUCT OF THE COMPTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT.

As a 3rd generation resident of Compton, Zurita hails from a family rich in community service. She is the oldest daughter of retired public administrator Clarence Zurita and retired two term City Councilwoman Delores Zurita. She has one sister, Janna, who is the City Councilperson, representing the City of Compton’s First District. They are known throughout the community as Compton’s Sister Act! Her favorite job is being the mother of her teen aged daughter, Armani Delores. She has one niece, Chanel Grace.

A champion for educational equality within Compton’s schools, Zurita has earned a reputation as a passionate advocate who engages intricate issues on behalf of students and their families. Since being elected, Zurita has effectively advocated for strategies to close the academic achievement gap, as well as initiated reform to stop the disproportionate number of African American males in Special Education. Her efforts to improve parent involvement by allowing parents to access their children’s grades online resulted in national recognition for CUSD on its gains in attendance, resulting in $1.2 million dollars in additional revenue to the district.

As the only parent of a school aged child on the Board, Zurita will continue to bring a parent’s perspective to the Board. She believes we must emphasize the importance of the community, as a whole, assuming accountability for the momentous task of educating Compton Unified School District’s children. “While school officials and public administrators are called to, and must, embrace accountability, there is a shared responsibility for learning, as well as achieving, which must exist between students and their families with the schools, district officials and the community in general.”

“Compton will not wait for others to set our standards. We will set high standards for ourselves and ethically assure achievement,” says Zurita. Zurita describes herself as an “atypical Board Member”. “I believe we should educate the whole child. Children should be culturally, athletically, socially and academically knowledgeable, when they matriculate from Compton. That is why I have supported incorporating arts and humanities into our curriculum,” says Zurita.

Zurita’s career began in private enterprise and later translated into an expanding career within her own community. If her name sounds familiar, she has probably assisted you in some capacity in her job as a Senior Administrative Analyst with the City of Compton’s Department of Public Works Street Maintenance Division and Building & Safety Department. She efficiently manages various contracts, as well as oversees the daily Administrative Operations of the Department. She is also the Vice President of her union, the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees.

Her former work experience includes: • General Manager – Compton Ramada Hotel & Convention Center (258 employees) • Facility Manager – Martin Luther King, Jr. Transit Center • Project Manager – Federal Aviation Administration • Project Manager – United States Air Force Base, El Segundo, CA • Professional Manager – Zurita Management – managing children in entertainment.

Zurita has received many honors throughout her distinguished career, some include:

• 2011 Democratic Woman of the Year • 2009 Vehicle of Change Award – Top Ladies of Distinction • Congresswoman Laura Richardson – Special Recognition for Being a Role Model to Women and Girls in the Community • 2006 “WOW” Award – Water Replenishment District “Woman of Water” Award • Member – 52nd Assembly District Advisory Commission • Member – 52nd Assembly District Democratic Club • Vice President – AFSCME Local 3624 • Board of Director – Compton Council of Campfire, Inc. • Board of Director – Boys and Girls Club • Board of Director – Jarambe Community Housing Development Organization • PTA President – Drew Child Development Corporation • Assistant Director – Compton Summer Arts Program • Outstanding Achievement Award – Brotherhood Crusade • Outstanding Achievement Award – Brothers of the Sun

At the end of each school board meeting, Zurita’s closing comments end with the phrase, “It’s a pleasure to serve, if you need me, call me.” You can call Satra Zurita at (310) 420-1104.


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